Front Cover Design

I had some trouble designing a front cover that I was happy with.  But I did have a general idea of what I wanted it to look like, so I drew out some thumbnails.

I preferred the covers that had long panels that had each character in it.  At this point I hadn't decided upon a title.  I wanted the title to be simple and did come up with quite a few names, but decided in the end to just go simply with 'Grief'.

These are the many variations I made of the front cover.  I wasn't particularly happy with any of them.  The characters and the title were done separately and I juxtaposed them together.  This way I would have more control in how the page would look.

This is the final front cover design.  The comets on the top left were taken from the back cover, which was much easier to design.

This is the back cover design.  I found it much easier to make than the front cover.  I had very definite ideas about how I wanted it to look.

Front and back together.